16 Foot Round Tapered Anchor Based Aluminum Light Pole

Item #
  • Dark Natural Aluminum Finish (Standard)
  • Dark Bronze Anodized Finish +$60
  • Black Anodized Finish +$60
  • White Anodized Finish +$60
  • Gray Anodized Finish +$60
  • Custom Color - Contact LightMart

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Product Description:

  • Pole Top: 2 3/8" tenon is standard. 3" tenon or top cap options are available.
  • Pole Shaft: 16 ft. height above ground, Tapered aluminum shaft with 0.165" wall thickness. The pole shaft is constructed of seamless extruded tube of 6060 Series Aluminum Alloy.
  • Handhole: 3.35" X 15.75" handhole is located 24 inches above ground. Handhole cover with 2 Tamper-Resistant Screws is provided. A ground lug with set screw is located near the handhole opening for proper grounding of the pole.
  • Anchor Bolts: A set of 4 galvanized steel anchor bolts is provided with each pole assembly. Each anchor bolt includes 2 Hex Nuts and 2 Flat Washers. An actual size paper anchor bolt template is provided.
  • Bolt Circle Range: 8 1/2"-11".
  • Finish: Anodized Platinum, Dark Bronze, Black, White, Gray. Other colors and custom color options are available at a surcharge.
  • Warranty: 5 Years.
  • Maximum Luminaire Weight: 100 lbs.
  • Weight: 50 lbs.
  • Foundation design: Foundation should be designed by an engineer familiar with local soil and wind conditions as well as local code where the pole(s) will be installed.


16 Foot
Anchor Base
Round Tapered
3.35 Inch
0.165 Inch


What are the advantages of aluminum light poles?
Aluminum light poles are about 40% the weight of steel making them easier to unload and install. They have a long lifespan and are easily recycled. Aluminum is corrosion-resistant and self-protecting. It reacts with the oxygen in the atmosphere and forms a thin layer of aluminum oxide. Aluminum oxide is an electrical insulator but has a fairly high thermal conductivity. Aluminum light poles are often powder coated for cosmetic purposes.
What is the difference between anchor base and direct burial lightpoles?
Anchor base poles are used where the greatest rigidity is required. They are attached to a concrete foundation by a base plate and held in place with anchor bolts. The concrete foundation can be poured or precast with adjustable tee bolts. When a concrete footing is poured, anchor bolts are placed in the concrete and held in the correct position with a plywood template. Direct burial or embedded poles are buried directly into the ground. The height of a direct burial pole is specified as the height above grade and can vary from 3 feet to 10 feet. High wind speed areas require a direct burial pole with a deeper burial depth.
What is the warranty on aluminum light poles?
What good are savings when you receive low-quality products from those who do not know much about light poles and lighting? We have the best warranty in the business, period. We offer a 10 year no excuse warranty on aluminum pole products simply because we deliver products of the highest quality. In addition, we do not play games with you when it comes to a defective item. Our products are subjected to stringent quality control measures, but if an item is defective, our first priority is to send you a replacement right away.
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