
LED Lighting for Commercial Businesses
Lighting is one of the most important elements of a building’s interior, especially for a building used for a commercial business such as an office, shopping mall, restaurant, government buildin
Sports Field Lighting

May 17, 2023

Sports Field Lighting

Sports Field Lighting refers to lighting up a larger area like a concert stadium or sports field area. Sports Field Lighting not only enhances the overall experience of the players and spectato
The Importance of Campus Exterior Lighting
Campus safety heavily relies on the lighting provided in the area. Whenever we come across the term' campus,' the immediate picture painted in our minds is of beautiful buildings and a green envi
The Importance of Parking Lot Light Poles
Parking lot light poles often go unnoticed in holding up the reputation of a business or an institution, ranging from neighborhood malls to clubs, shopping centers, and different types of professio
Shopping Mall Lighting

January 11, 2023

Shopping Mall Lighting

While many consumers purchase clothing and other retail items online, shopping centers and malls with physical storefronts still play a valuable role, offering in-person testing of products as well
Light Pole Brackets Deep Dive
The average person may not give lighting arms much thought, despite passing by light poles in your day to day life – whether it’s at a park, in a parking lot, or on your way home as you drive past
Lighting Design for Street Basketball Courts
Feel like an NBA star every time you step on the court with sports light pole kits for an electric experience. Play street basketball and have fun with friends on the court, no matter what time it is!
Lighting an Equestrian Arena - Use Horse Sense

Posted by LightMart Technical Team on April 5, 2022

Lighting an Equestrian Arena - Use Horse Sense

Typically, when businesses consider lighting large areas, they try to light inanimate objects such as a parking lot or a car dealership. In these cases, the most important considerations in lightin
Lighting a Car Dealership: Make Your Cars Shine

Posted by LightMart Technical Team on March 2, 2022

Lighting a Car Dealership: Make Your Cars Shine

Driving past a car dealership at night and seeing all the new, bright, and shiny vehicles on display is an effective way to get customers onto your lot. Your cars motivate customers to visit your
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