The Installation Advantages of Fiberglass Light Poles

The Installation Advantages of Fiberglass Light Poles

Installing light poles can be tricky depending on the situation. First, you’ll need to determine the material for the light pole. Second, you’ll need to decide on the installation type: anchor base or direct burial.

This article will outline the many advantages of fiberglass poles in relation to their installation. Their lightweight nature provides important benefits in the areas of logistics, cost savings, safety, and ease of installation.

Anchor Base Installation Advantages

If you opt for the anchor base installation, you’ll need to prepare the concrete foundation to which the pole will be fastened using anchor bolts. For these installations, the type of pole you choose will dictate the difficulty level of the installation. Steel light poles are the most common and economical compared to fiberglass poles. However, they are much heavier than fiberglass poles and will require special equipment to lift the pole onto the foundation. This creates possible safety issues along with added expense.

Fiberglass light poles will typically have double the lifespan of steel poles due to their corrosion resistance. This means that it’s more likely that you’ll need to replace a steel pole long before you’ll need to replace a fiberglass pole. Hence, another installation will be needed using the same equipment. This will require more time and expense while a fiberglass pole will still be standing.

Direct Burial Installation Advantages

For the direct burial installation, you’ll need to dig the hole in which the pole will be placed. For these installations, steel poles are not an option. The section of the pole that is below grade (underground) will not last long due to the corrosive effects of the soil. The soil surrounding the pole not only contains moisture but can also contain high levels of acidity, chloride, sulfates, and organic content. These elements will accelerate the corrosion process. This process can be slightly delayed if the steel pole is coated or galvanized, but it will happen sooner rather than later.

Direct burial fiberglass light poles are ideal for direct burial installations. They are lightweight light poles and they don’t rust or corrode. They are easy to install and can withstand the conditions. They are also great for installing in remote areas since they are easier to transport and all you need for the project is light equipment to dig the foundation hole. For example, many wireless communications companies install fiberglass poles in remote areas that are not easily accessible.

Post Installation Advantages

Fiberglass light poles are practically maintenance-free. Steel poles will require regular maintenance inspections to ensure that they are safe and structurally sound. In many cases, they will require cleaning, re-painting, and additional layers of protective coatings.

Fiberglass light poles are also highly resistant to vibration. This makes them ideal for installation on bridges or on top of parking garage decks. This also means that they are the best choice to mount security cameras.

LightMart Can Help

LightMart can help you select the right fiberglass light poles for your project. We have a wide variety of fiberglass poles in stock and ready to ship. Our experienced sales associates will point you in the right direction when it comes to these easy installation light poles! Contact us today!

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